Saturday 1 September 2012

Determinism in a nutshell.


The dictionary meaning of Determinism is this

It’s an idea that is based around the concept that everything is caused. The act or event that has just occurred was caused by the event or act that preceded it. The way you are, what has happened in the world and what will become is all caused.

This idea encompasses both internal psychological causes and external physical causes. So things that happen in your childhood were caused by something and will in turn cause something else. Be it psychological or physical.

What is so difficult about accepting this, is that it makes humans feel less important, like they have no say, a feeling of insignificance. There are people who agree with this position (obviously) but I think these kinds of people probably find the consequences of the idea a lot less threatening. 

(The thing with a lot of philosophical problems is exactly this, that the potential right answer is a lot harder to swallow than the possible wrong answer.)

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