Wednesday 22 August 2012


The general idea of this blog is the idea of combatibilism. 

This idea is an idea related to the philosophy topic of free will.

Now I do have to apologize a slight amount, as it turns out my readings that are linked to these posts can be quite dense at times, but it is an incredibly dense topic and the most basic summary you will get are these posts… 

Pretty sure..

I'll explain the two types of ideas that surround this argument; Compatibilist and incompatibilist. Then I can start explaining to you what free will is, then what Determinism is... and such.

I'll let you know about the problems that surround each of the positions and I'll finally let you know what I believe.

Thanking you

1 comment:

  1. Good to see ideas getting set forth. It would be good to getting some linking in fron these early days. For example, you could link "compatibilism to a definition maybe a on dictionary? Because you have chosen a hard topic you will need lots of linking.
